Today I was updating an internal application we use for grabbing lots of Terminology data from SharePoint lists, and exporting it as TBX files for import into CAT tools etc.
This was required as the SharePoint on which it was hosted previously was upgraded from 2010 to 2013.
A small job I thought.
Then I discovered the the ASMX Web Service in SharePoint I used to grab the data previously, are deprecated in SharePoint 2013, probably not a surprise to anyone in the know, but SharePoint happens to be one of my pet hates, so development of it is not something that I tend to keep up to date with.
Anyway, I had to re-jig our application to use the SharePoint REST API, and I thought I’d provide the code here for connecting, as it look a little bit of figuring out.
The below (after you fill in your SharePoint URL, username, password, domain, and name of the list you want to extract data from), will connect and pull back the list contents to an XmlDocument object that you can parse.
XmlNamespaceManager xmlnspm = new XmlNamespaceManager(new NameTable()); Uri sharepointUrl = new Uri("SHAREPOINT URL); xmlnspm.AddNamespace("atom", ""); xmlnspm.AddNamespace("d", ""); xmlnspm.AddNamespace("m", ""); NetworkCredential cred = new System.Net.NetworkCredential("USERNAME", "PASSWORD", "DOMAIN"); HttpWebRequest listRequest = (HttpWebRequest)HttpWebRequest.Create(sharepointUrl.ToString() + "_api/lists/getByTitle('" + "LIST NAME" + "')/items"); listRequest.Method = "GET"; listRequest.Accept = "application/atom+xml"; listRequest.ContentType = "application/atom+xml;type=entry"; listRequest.Credentials = cred; HttpWebResponse listResponse = (HttpWebResponse)listRequest.GetResponse(); StreamReader listReader = new StreamReader(listResponse.GetResponseStream()); XmlDocument listXml = new XmlDocument(); listXml.LoadXml(listReader.ReadToEnd());